Portraits of the global-local music scene in the capital of Rhineland :
La musique de Cologne - Artikel auf www.5planetes.com
(Französischer Weltmusik Blog)
Download Deutsche Fassung des Artikels auf www.5planetes.com
Download Musikforum 4/2017 des Artikels Mir sin' wie mir sin' - Mir Jecke am Rhing
La Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI)
Hrsg. Alice Aterianus-Owanga, Elina Djebbari et Monika Salzbrunn
Vol. 35 Nr. 3/4 Beitrag von Birgit Ellinghaus & Monika Salzbrunn, 2019
'Chronique d'actualité - Musique et migration: le carnaval de Cologne comme état d’esprit' (Französisch)
Presentation of the Cologne based innovative grass-roots project 'Humba efau' and its various satellite activities by Birgit Ellinghaus and Jan Krauthäuser at: International conference on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Hertitage
'Urban Cultures, Superdiversity and Intangible Heritage'
Datum: 15./16.02.2018 at University of Utrecht/ NL
Download Draft of the presentation & more
Download Conference Programm Utrecht
Conference announcement on UNESCO Website
Humba efau
Since more than 25 years we are collaborating with countless artists and ensembles of the rich and creative local music scene based in the music city of Cologne and from the surroundings Rhineland.
Discover the Sound of Rhineland !
Post-Colonia(les) Stadtrauschen
Five special concerts with orginal compositions with Cologne based bands and stories and music styles from Rhineland.
Premiere at Cologne Music Night 2015 more...
The sounds of the Alps are reaching out up to the shores of the river Rhine in Cologne!
Alpcologne amazes instead of postcard romance with harmonious combinations of sounds and instruments beyond alphorns, They are the best company of the young Alpine music scene, which is dusting off the alphorns of Edelweiss and museum-like fake folk music in order to open up the instrument to the creative music. more...
Yma America
One of the most popular Latin female voices in Europe.
Her clear, pure and powerful voice swings like the wind over the sounds of her 'cuatro', the magic small four-stringed instrument from Venezuela.
Mariana Sadovska
Composer, Vocalist, Multi-Instrumentalist and Actress
As a singer, multi-instrumentalist, and actress, experienced with multi-media performances, workshops and musical theatre productions, she is an internationally renowned and award-winning artist and compose from Lviv, Ukraine. more...
Frühling der Kulturen
2. Kölner Musikfest
Newroz - Nouruz: Frühling der Kulturen 2012 more...
Migrants Music Manifesto - Projektwoche
The project week from 13.-19. September 2021 in Cologne/ Germany offers a WorkshopLab with 20 sessions, concert of the spectacular MMM Project Orchester with 28 musicians based in NRW and in Brussels and a public general debate / conference on the post-pandemic perspectives for the global-local music in NRW and in Europe and framework activities. more...
Concerts of global-local musics have been part of the music scene in Cologne and Rhineland for many years. We are pleased that the City of Cologne is supporting the federation of independent music professionals AG Global Music @ IFM e.V. to set up a calendar for the independent scene of global music.
Take a look and do not miss the concerts! more...
Der ifm e.V. ist der Dachverband der Freien Musik in Köln. Er setzt sich seit 1999 für die Interessen freischaffender Akteure der Musikszene in Köln ein. Er ist ein kulturpolitischer Zusammenschluss von professionellen Musikensembles der Sparten Neue Musik, Alte Musik, Jazz, Elektronik & Klangkunst, Klassik und Globale Musik sowie Veranstaltern, Spielstätten, Musikjournalisten, Produzenten und Kuratoren und vereint inzwischen gut 500 Mitglieder.