Sprunghilfe zu Kurbasy Kurbasy

Details | 0White voice, folk songs and more from Ukraine
Kurbasy, an ensemble of outstanding singers and innovative instrumentalists, presents impressive polyphonic chants, poetic songs and visual sound images from the Carpathians in western Ukraine and from Crimea.   

On tour with the crimea-tatar programm “Yusan Zillya” in March 2025 and with Kurbasy Quintet in Oct./ Nov. 2025.

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Sprunghilfe zu Ananuri Ananuri

Details | 0Georgian Polyphonies
The ensemble Ananuri founded in 1995 initially as a small formation of independent artists and has named after this historically important place. Since they have toured in Eastern Europe, in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

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Sprunghilfe zu Mariana Sadovska Mariana Sadovska

Details | 0Composer, Vocalist, Multi-Instrumentalist and Actress
As a singer, multi-instrumentalist, and actress, experienced with multi-media performances, workshops and musical theatre productions, she is an internationally renowned and award-winning artist and compose from Lviv, Ukraine. 

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