Details | 0Das Ensemble tritt seit vielen Jahren mit exzellenten festen Musikern auf, die als Mitglieder der Bruderschaft in die Feinheiten des mystisch-spirituellen Repertoires eingespielt sind.

Besetzung des traditionellen Sufi-Ensembles:
Tanbur, Kudum, Daf, Ney, Kanun, Gesang

Optional: Kemenche, Oud

Details | 0Since more than 20 years Selcuk Gürez takes part in all international performances of Galata Mevlevi Ensemble. He is long trained sufi master musician and instrument maker. He is serving as kudum and daf player, as ney musician and solo vocalist in the group. He received his spiritual and musical education since his youngest age with various sufi masters, namely Sheik Nail Kesova.
Today he is sharing is knowledge through workshops and teachings in his Sufi House:

Website Selcuk Gürez Sufi House
PDF Download Workshops Selcuk Gürez Sufi House

Details | 0Since many years Mustafa Öksüz takes part in all international performances of Galata Mevlevi Ensemble. He is serving as tanbur player and musical director. He is teaching at Istanbul ITÜ, where he is the head of the instrument making department.

Details | 0Since many years Utku Yigit takes part in all international performances of Galata Mevlevi Ensemble. He is serving as kanun player. He received is musical education in the Mevlevi botherhood and during his studies at ITÜ.

Details | 0Since many years Cemal Öksüz takes part in all international performances of Galata Mevlevi Ensemble. He is serving as ney player. He grow up in a musicial family and learned from his youngest age from his father Mustafa Öksüz. He received is musical education in the Mevlevi botherhood and during his studies at ITÜ and at Conservatory in Torino.

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